Luxus életmód - Luxury Lifestyle


Tornyokkal, pezsgőfürdővel és saját mozival rendelkező játszóházak. Egyszerűen bámulatos! A fotókat nézegetve azon tűnődtem, hogy szívesen lennék újra gyerek. Hatalmas élmény lehet ezekben a kuckókban önfeledten játszadozni. 

Egy ilyen játszóház értéke kb. 1,5 millió dollár, sokkal több, mint amennyit Beckham költött Harper-re. Victoria és David már tervezik a saját kensingtoni luxus villájukba egy hasonló mini kecó megépítését. Te is bevállalnál egyet a gyerkőcödnek?

Queen of her castle: A bespoke castle design featuring a copper turret 

Pretty: This treehouse at Amberley Castle, a heritage centre in Sussex, has a striking view and thatched roof

Magical: The Quiet Mark Treehouse by Blue Forest is shaped like a toadstool and comes with all mod cons

Glamorous: Another Blue Forest design, the Nook comes complete with a hot tub

Spanish hideaway: This Iberian example has a 20ft slide and is part of a complex connected by rope bridges

Slick: This treehouse, created by German design firm Bamraum, is near the town of Uslar in Lower Saxony

Deluxe: In a small private garden in Münster, this space sits above a flat pool framed by high bamboo stilts

Cosy: The inside of the Münster tree house has a sleeping area and curved windows 

Eyrie: This tree house in Germany is 11 metres high and is built into an old oak tree

Lavish: Other Blue Forest designs include built-in slides and delicate balconies

Lavish: Other Blue Forest designs include built-in slides and delicate balconies

This tubular construction by Bower House Construction  costs £30,000  and can be built in a range of sizes


This luxury live-in tree house in Harptree Court Bed & Breakfast in Somerset cost around £150,000 to build

This bespoke circular children's playhouse is built in oaks and ashes and cost around £40,000

Cheap and cheerful: These secret dens, known as Hobbit Holes, start at £8,200

No adults allowed! These garden dens are perfect hideaways for kids whose parents have some spare cash

(via) La bella Perenna




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